
Every year during the last decade, the village of Istrios organizes a winter camp that combines, besides having fun and connecting with nature, alternative activities that help the inhabitants of Rhodes and visitors alike to escape from their daily routine.

If you find yourselves on the island during this time and you love camping, grab your gear and get ready to live the ultimate experience:

Free camping in the woods, dozens of local music bands taking turns on the stage, hiking in the Apolakkia Dam and various activities for children and adults alike, such as flying fox, archery, sack races, board games, or zumba dance will surely lift your spirits.

Free admission

You will be needing:

You’ll need:

• Tent suitable for the winter

• Sleeping pads or ground sheets

• Sleeping bag suitable for cold weather

• Flashlights or lanterns

• Food and drinks

• Dishes, forks, glasses and finally,

• Garbage bags, because good campers do not leave their garbage at campsites

Once you have been provided with all the above, load up your car, recharge your batteries and we will be expecting you…

New dates pending…