
Between Kalavarda and Kamiros Skala, 42km away from the center, there is a small village inhabited by just a handful of people, the name of which comes from the word “Mandri” [Greek for “pen, fold”], meaning a small area surrounded by a fence, especially designed to keep animals in.

It is a colony, one might say, of the village of Embona, as the inhabitants of Embona used to have their agricultural lands in the region. Later, the land began to get inhabited, until a small rural population took up residence in recent years. The fact that it is a new settlement is also underlined by the position of the village, since when pirates used to raid the island in the past a settlement could not possibly prosper. In fact, this region was inhabited by residents of Crete who, for the same reason, were forced to live uphill.

The inhabitants of Mandriko are mainly engaged in farming, that’s why the village is said to produce 1/3 of the island’s fruit and vegetables. Here, one can catch sight of lots of greenhouses, as well as cultivated land. After talking with the locals, you can watch from up close or even take part in farming chores along with them. In the center of the small village, there is the village church dedicated to Agios Lukas [St. Luca]. If you happen to be in the area during the afternoon hours, do not forget to admire the truly breathtaking sunset. If you are a lover of ancient culture, you can combine your trip in Mandriko with a visit to Ancient Kamiros.



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